Perhaps stereotypically, I always think of
males when I think of pirates. The clichéd pirate with patch and peg
leg just doesn't transfer to the
female form. Of course the smoking Pirate Girl at
left doesn't really conform anyway. She's wearing a
peace emblazoned, fringed Star Trek uniform top coupled with a flared floral skirt - I can't think of any pirates dressed like that. This
drawing was found in
Canberra years ago with a second one of a very macho looking girl. She would have made a much better pirate, stay tuned for a future
Friday Finds to see. Both drawn in
red, they reminded me of Arlene Texta Queen's drawings in more ways than one. For now I'm mesmerised by Pirate Girl and her
eyes, which to me at least, seem to have been drawn
upside down on her