29 November 2011

Pinboard. Lurker in Hong Kong.

Lurker was recently shown in Hong Kong. Five new covers were exhibited as part of the Wearables As Media exhibition along with a limited edition series of zine-like collector cards. The full set of covers will be on Turnstile in the near future.

28 November 2011

Flipfactor. Meatpaper.

Issue sixteen of Meatpaper is out. The current issue is all about bones, as is clearly suggested by their cover above. With a purely meat focus, Meatpaper is both richly intelligent and slightly disturbing. I purchased the thirteenth issue of Meatpaper and was astounded to learn that Nanking is a Chinese city as big as New York where dog is on the menu. Intrigued from cover to cover, I'm all for Meatpaper. It's a terrific read with excellent flipability.

27 November 2011

Found. Tag.

Over the years Sydney has provided many finds, from playing cards to chairs, shopping lists to bongs and well beyond. There's a suggestion of chocolate with this tag...

26 November 2011

Spin. Trans-Love Energies.

When bands return with new albums after a long hiatus there is a certain danger that things may have changed. Think New Order and their offerings post Republic. They verged on mediocre following previous high points like True Faith, Sub-Culture or Round & Round. Not so for Death In Vegas who have returned with the highly acclaimed Trans-Love Energies. The album is a moody affair with electronic wizardry and understated vocals. Its glimmering beauty burns slowly rewarding with each subsequent listen. While The Contino Sessions and Dead Elvis are still at the top of my list, Trans-Love Energies is welcomed with open arms. No tracks to skip here scoring a solid zero.

24 November 2011

Doodler. Dog.

Dog doodles are something new. This clever pooch seems to have developed a mean streak and a dumbo ear.

23 November 2011

Pinboard. Midden.

There is a work underway. What stage it's at I can't really say. Regardless, it involves squillions of plastic bottle tops in as many colour options as possible. Donations are gratefully accepted. If you have any I can be contacted via the contact link above right.

Thank you to Jennifer Edmondson, Denise Ferris, Dale & Jamie, Stephanie Jones, Melissa Lee, Marcia Lochhead, Jenny Lyons, Peter McLean, a super thank you to Jean McGhee, Peter Murray, Vanila (Rita) Netto, Ngoc Minh Thi Nguyen, Sharon & Finn O'Connor, Our Lady of the Rosary School, Joanna Pagan, Rebecca Shanahan & Billie too, Stephen Southwick and masses of thanks to Susan Werner.

22 November 2011

Roaming. Foveaux St.

21 November 2011

Pinboard. Collaboration.

The Wearables As Media (WAM) exhibition recently closed at Hong Kong's Koo Ming Kown Exhibition Gallery. The project considered collaboration as a way to create cross-disciplinary art work. The WAM project was conceived by artist Tricia Flanagan as a way for students to work collaboratively in the production of photographic images representing the creative visions of WAM students. The project was extended to the Printmedia and Photomedia departments of the University of Newcastle with staff Jonathan James and myself (respectively) leading the project on Australian shores. Our students responded to the work from Hong Kong initially. They then produced their own work in collaboration with each other responding to place, in this case Newcastle. Staff also presented work with a separate show taking place in the ground floor exhibition area. The work above is a collaboration – and a Wunderwall of sorts – between Jonathan James and myself. We responded to Newcastle photographically as we're both relatively new to the city.

20 November 2011

First 13. Central Hong Kong.

19 November 2011

Spin. Take Me to the Disco.

In Warholian guise, Billie Ray Martin returns with killer track Twisted Lover. I hope it's not another loose track and a new solo album is waiting in the wings. Since Billie's last album in 2001, there have been many terrific tracks but no long player. The electro-tonic of Undisco Me harked back to the Electribe 101 days while No Brakes on My Roller Skates was fantastically frantic. I somehow missed Sweet Suburban Disco from earlier this year, but I'm happy to have found Twisted Lover. Billie's honey tones are always welcome.

18 November 2011

Found. Cake Eating Saints.

Everyone loves cake, even saints. Today's Found comes from a photo album picked up at Marrickville's  Bower Shop. The album contained many photos of brothers eating and sitting.

06 November 2011

Spin. Jenny's Back.

The Question is a new Vindahl track written with Jenny Wilson for Vindahl's upcoming album. With the inimitable Jenny on vocals too, this winning sultry track heralds summer in on the other side of the world.