21 November 2011
Pinboard. Collaboration.
The Wearables As Media (WAM) exhibition recently closed at Hong Kong's Koo Ming Kown Exhibition Gallery. The project considered collaboration as a way to create cross-disciplinary art work. The WAM project was conceived by artist Tricia Flanagan as a way for students to work collaboratively in the production of photographic images representing the creative visions of WAM students. The project was extended to the Printmedia and Photomedia departments of the University of Newcastle with staff Jonathan James and myself (respectively) leading the project on Australian shores. Our students responded to the work from Hong Kong initially. They then produced their own work in collaboration with each other responding to place, in this case Newcastle. Staff also presented work with a separate show taking place in the ground floor exhibition area. The work above is a collaboration – and a Wunderwall of sorts – between Jonathan James and myself. We responded to Newcastle photographically as we're both relatively new to the city.